Judy Mehr

Practitioner of Light and Sound Healing

About Judy
Healing Techniques


The knowledge that an unseen energy flows through all living things and is connected directly to the quality of health has been part of the wisdom of many cultures since ancient times. The existence of this "life force energy" has been verified by recent scientific experiments, and medical doctors are considering the role it plays in the functioning of the immune system and the healing process.

Judy helps you to increase and strengthen self-awareness so that you can experience radiant health on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. She assists in relieving diseases such as chronic fatigue, pain from accidents and trauma, digestive disorders and many other physical and emotional pain that causes discomfort in everyday living.

With the use of a hands on method (or by long distance, which is just as effective), Judy clears and balances the body, applying various techniques such as Reiki, Chakra Balancing and Intuitive Healing to remove energy blocks responsible for pain and trauma in the mind, body, and spirit. These treatments most often will also bring about stress relief. Clearing blockages restores vibrational harmony throughout the body and mind. Chakra balancing aligns the body's energy centers to their optimal vibrational rates.

Energy Medicine

Energy medicine combines traditional medical knowledge with the deeper understandings of spiritual healing to address body, mind, emotion and spirit. Unconscious memories and lingering trauma are revealed through intuitive reading of the body's energy fields and chakra systems. If not released, these old wounds remain held in the body's subtle energetic fields, manifesting as emotional or physical diseases. Energy medicine can accelerate self-awareness by providing a better understanding of personal patterns and energies that affect one's life.

Energy Balancing

Energy balancing consists of both personal and environmental energy work. Personal energy balancing is the art and practice of realigning and re-attuning the body between the physical and the etheric and auric fields, permitting heightened sensitivity and creative will being. Working with the charkas (energy centers) and different energy polarities, the practitioner helps one to rebalance the electromagnetic healing energy system. Different forms of psychological and /or spiritual self-healing techniques may be employed, and the person learns ways of utilizing his/her own power for healing and staying in harmony. Environmental energy work is the practice of balancing and clearing disruptive energies, typically encountered in your home and work. Examples include electrical and electromagnetic fields, underground water, negative magnetic fields, fault lines and metaphysical energies.

Reiki is a technique for stress reduction and relaxation that allows everyone to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve health and enhance the quality of life.

Judy uses Reiki therapy to produce deep relaxation, which is beneficial in strengthening and normalizing vital energy fields within the body.

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through you and surrounds you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit and creates many beneficial effects including relaxation and feelings of peace, security, and well-being. Many have reported miraculous results. Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.

Light and Sound healing allows an individual to get in touch with his or her essence in order to achieve inner peace and bring balance to the vital energy centers called Chakras.