Judy Mehr

Practitioner of Light and Sound Healing

About Judy
Healing Techniques

Judy Mehr works with Divine Spirit, using Light and Sound to assist those in need of healing.  Her intention as a healer is to reach out in love, to assist people to participate in their own healing. Judy’s compassion and connection to others assists them to realize their potential, as she herself has done in her own healing process.

Judy has completed an intensive three year program in energy healing and holds a certificate in “Light and Sound Healing.” She is also an Ordained Healing Minister.

judy mehr, light sound healer

Judy has a B.S. degree in Education from Temple University and attended Catholic University where she studied for a Master's Degreee in Psychology. Her background includes teaching music and piano to children of all ages, and mentoring gifted and talented children with various learning difficulties. She is also the author of the book, " A Substitute Teacher's Guide to Survival."

Light and Sound healing allows an individual to get in touch with his or her essence in order to achieve inner peace and bring balance to the vital energy centers called Chakras.

With the use of a hands on method (or by long distance, which is just as effective), Judy clears and balances the body, applying various healing techniques including Reiki, Chakra Balancing and Intuitive Healing to remove energy blocks responsible for pain and trauma in the mind, body, and spirit. These treatments most often will also bring about stress relief. Clearing blockages restores vibrational harmony throughout the body and mind. Chakra balancing aligns the body's energy centers to their optimal vibrational rates.

Judy can help you increase and strengthen self-awareness so that you can experience radiant health on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. She can assist in relieving dis-eases such as chronic fatigue, pain from accidents and trauma, digestive disorders and many other physical and emotional pain that causes discomfort in ones everyday living.